Winter themed writing paper
Issues To Write About In A College Essay
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Trouble And Her Friends :: essays research papers
'You needed to know who I am Zero Cool? All things considered, let me clarify the New World Order. Governments and partnerships need individuals like you and me. We are samurai… the console cowboys… and every one of those others out there who have no clue about what's happening, are the cattle…. Moo...'; (Hackers, 52 min). This statement underlines the subject of the book I've perused, Trouble and Her Friends, by Melissa Scott. Once in a while throughout everyday life, you don't generally appear to feel in charge. Indeed, envision accepting that you are nevertheless in some way or another discovering your not. India, or her pseudonym Trouble, was one of those individuals who were in the background, hiding in the shadows. She is an individual that doesn't dread such things since she is the one in control...until she loses it. Would you be able to envision, being totally free, prowling around the net, encountering it with every one of your faculties to a definitive breaking point? At that point, as fast as you were out all alone, you are deplorably yanked off the net in light of a law passed by Congress. All things considered, this is to be sure what happened to Trouble. She is compelled to flee from everybody and everybody she knows so as to begin her life once more. SYSCOP, the genuine individual who forestalls individuals that Trouble was from doing what they do. Exist anymore that as it may, Trouble, netwalker, does not exists. Just India Carless, SYSCOP to SVI-four strolls around carrying on with her typical life. In any case, when a programmer reemerges utilizing her previous character, it implies inconvenience for India. In spite of the fact that her spread as a little collective SYSCOP is truly agreeable, her pursuit from the followers of the law has quite recently started (McCormick line 14). Thus, these specialists accept this new, Trouble, is without a doubt out there, and is in fact a similar individual it used to be. In any case, India and her companions go forward looking for who this new 'Inconvenience' could be. As India calls forward her old 'programmer', or netwalker, companions, she runs into an old accomplice and sweetheart. Subsequently, she discovers she has more associations, which were previous netwalker, as she seemed to be, in corporate situations than she had known. What's more, this is the place a great deal of her assistance originates from. 'At the point when you are the power, nothing can stop you. You need not prowl behind the shadows when the light shone upon you is your own'; (Hackers 49 min). One of the primary subjects in this book is that the administration will endeavor to control resident's exercises no matter what.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How you define the term ‘profit’ in terms of the changes that Hussain adopted to move one business to another Essay
Question 8: How you characterize the term ‘profit’ regarding the progressions that Hussain embraced to move one business to another? The term ‘profit’ that Hussain earned when he changed starting with one then onto the next business is the consequence of accomplishment as he ready to take risks and dangers. He began from zero and his innovative business minds be the stepping stool of sucess to him. A ton of challenge that he had confronted make he turned into an extraordinary business visionary nowaday. He had battled particularly to extend his business in other word to change and defeat his hopeless conditions. We can see the ‘profit’ that Hussain picked up from his private company as chocolate’s vendor to turned into an entreprenuer is begun with his first frivolous advance. He began the business with selling chocolate at the market for the start of his business is on the grounds that he need assistance his family. As the bread worker supplanted his sickness father, he should look through salary to help fundamental needs of the family. He is fortunate in light of the fact that in spite of the fact that oman’s economy develop at thelower level those day, his private company despite everything becoming quicker. Be that as it may, because of the rising value record, he experienced issues to get by. This trouble had carry him to another business which gave him more benefit than the benefit of chocolate deal. He found another roads in business by began selling book. At the point when he made a similar examination between the two item, chocolate and book, he understood that the rate benefit he picked up by selling a book is high than selling a chocolate. He utilize this great chance to change his business from a chocolate seller to turn into a book shop. In this way, he increased more benefit. From this changes, we can see the ‘profit’ that he had picked up by changing the item. At that point, Hussain not longer selling chocolate. He centered to the book deal. He had discovered another method of a productive business by selling book. Be that a s it may, he confronted trouble to carry many book regular and come back with them the following day. This circumstance drives him to locate the alternaltive to take care of this issue. At last, he got a splendid thought. He settle on a choice to change over his late father’s steel workshop where are had leased to turn into a bookshop. He attempt to persuade his uncle that thought and on the grounds that his refined perspective on diversely made his uncle glad and concur with him. In this way, husin figured out how to open his own bookshop and it turned into the main bookshop in the town. he was the sole book retailer at his town and this circumstance had carry him to turned into a sucess book shop at the town. In this way, we can see the improvement that he had done by change the wayâ of his business from a book vendor to turned into a proprietor of bookshop. Hussain’s instructor had make he thought another good thought. It began when his educator gave him a strategic get a few presents at the market. hussain brought the necessary blessings as his instructor request yet with a less expensive cost. Another instructor found out about that and requested that he do similar ones. This condition made he imagine that he should selling a similar item as the educator need. This thought carry him to give items that were utilized as blessings, for example, pens, pencils, scratch pad and different school’s needs. Since that, he became well known at his school as well as in different schools. He ready to investigate greater open door in businees by persuaded the school to purchase from his bookshop. Thus, from this we can see that he was accomplishment in changing over the bookshop idea to turned out to be all the more wide idea. Hussain again change his business. He sold his bookshop with significant expense then he opened another organization. He built up another organization for office supplies not far away from the bookshop. This is a decent procedures for him as a choice to diminish the expense on the double increment the benefit and pay. Since the purchaser of bookshop can not experience the business challenge, he fizzled and shut the bookshop for all time. Hussain shut the new office and revived the bookshop. He migrated the workplace that he had shut in the bookshop for serving discount. In any case, the bookshop despite everything served singular clients. Thus, client can purchase from the bookshop and simultaneously, the discount purchasers can see the item and test them before setting request. He can decrease the expense encourage his work. At last, hussain prevailing to change over his bookshop into a major organization for office supplies. With the new innovation just entered the nation made his work increasingly simpler. He began give new office gear suah as printers, copies and other related gadgets to the clients. At that point, he turned into a significant provider o f different writing material and office suplies. His organization was created with extremely progressed and he turned into a symbol for initiative and entrepeneurial fields. We can see the high benefit that hussain picked up when he convert his bookshop into a major organization. For the end, from this case, Hussain who is the Sultanate of Oman have demonstrated that hardship make individuals more grounded. He demonstrated that individuals can earned more benefit on the off chance that they are insightful in accepting open door and readiness to face challenges in business.
Monday, July 27, 2020
3 Ways to Get More Respect in the Office
3 Ways to Get More Respect in the Office If youre reading this, chances are youre feeling like youre not getting enough respect in the office.Whether it is really so or if you just feel that way for whatever reason, its certainly wise to consult some positive psychology, self-help, personal development or social dynamics handbooks.Its not shameful to read about these things.All people yearn for respect, acceptance and lets be honest, most of us thirst for power too.Its simply our instincts and genes that propel us towards seeking affirmation from the pack and what better affirmation is there than respect from your loved ones?We lust for power because power guarantees that well have our part in the pack.The feeling of being accepted as a part of the pack is to an extent a guarantee of safety. In other words, if our position in the pack is stable, we are more likely to survive.Thus we seek confirmation in many different forms and respect is one of them.Its a powerful feeling merged with a specific attitude towards someone who inspires awe and is deemed to be a force to be reckoned with.As such, respect is one of the most important psychological motives that decides on our behavior which in turn decides on the outcome of our actions.Whether we achieve our goals or not can often depend on whether the people around us are inclined to help us or not and it also works the other way around.Whether people around us respect us or not can often depend on whether we achieve our goals or not.It can be a vicious circle and not everyone can find their way around when it comes to breaking the ice and turning the clock.THE NECESSITY FOR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENTNot everyone is blessed with people skills.Many very intelligent and sharp people simply get clumsy around others because theyre either not that intuitive and skillful or theyre not confident enough.These kinds of people usually rationalize a lot and are introverted.These days there are many life coaches and gurus that specialize in training the less charismatic ind ividuals in order to strengthen and develop that part of our beings that commands respect.Since respect is a complex inclination, to command it, we need to exercise both our rational minds and bodies, but we also need to develop our intuition, confidence and strengthen our will and character.What people react to is not just the content that is offered to them, but also the way that that content is being conveyed.All of us need to realize that we are not just content mediums.We are not simply means of conveying and receiving the information.Each one of us, besides being a transmitter is also a complex entity of information per se.To command respect, its useful to address ourselves as works of art that, as Da Vinci would have said it, are never finished, but only abandoned. In other words, we constantly need to strive towards perfecting ourselves.Only then we will be at the peak of our potential and being at the peak of your potential is a sure way of commanding respect.Although perso nal development is a must, its not a way of getting respect, because the whole genre consists of many ways of furthering your capabilities. You can do it in countless ways.Since nobody is perfect and nobody knows everything, it may be good to invest in broad-spectrum education at first, but specialize in something later.Were not just talking about formal education of professional vocation here. Were talking about hobbies as well.Everything that you do and everything that you think becomes who you are at the end and who and what you are decides on whether you get respect or not.In relation to that, respect is just a reaction of the environment on your presence.Having said that, its wise to take full responsibility for whether you get respect or not.You should never blame the environment as respect is USUALLY (not always) an involuntary reaction of others to what you do and what you are.Before we jump to the actual ways you can earn respect, its important to stress the way you should think about yourself and the phenomenon of respect in general.Sometimes, to get something, its not enough to just reach for it. Sometimes you must also understand what youre reaching for.Its also helpful to understand why are you reaching for it.Having said that, its important to underline the need for introspection in the process of earning respect.Since respect is, as said, a complex phenomenon, its not easy to earn it and you shouldnt hope to earn it without first putting your back into it.DOES PUTTING YOUR BACK INTO IT REALLY WORK?We are all raised on the age-old myth that everything can be done if you just put your back to it.In most cases this is true, and hard work is, as always, the very basis of success.However, the whole emphasis on breaking your back can be a dangerous one.Namely, its not just important that you do and that you do a lot.There are some equally important questions as: what do you do and how do you do it.Thats why, If you want to earn respect, you have to pu t into it, not only your back, but your mind to.After all, its easy to get a physical reaction out of someone.Its even easy to get a negative psychological reaction, but to cause a positive psychological-emotional reaction and to maintain it is a complex and delicate endeavor.It requires self-analysis and general analysis of everything really.You need to be as aware and as conscious as you can.In other words, you need to take into account as many variables as you can.Its probably good to start with examining what respect really is and what kind of respect you want to get in the first place.DOES MORE POWER NECESSARILY MEAN MORE RESPECTEspecially these days when people have lost all respect for the very phenomenon of respect, its difficult to give the formula for getting respect.Most of the articles on the subject online will list and propose ways of getting people to fear you.Theres a bunch of Youtube tutorials on social dynamics that plead for power relations between people.There yo u can learn how to become more powerful or gain a psychological or sociological upper hand.However, respect is not just about power nor is it just about teaching people to fear you or watch out for your reactions.That too can be a part of respect and its still probably more appealing to most of us to be reckoned with than to be a submissive subject of sympathy or indifference.Still, the respect most of us really hope for and the only form of respect that can really fulfill a healthy and sane human being is the one that comes from love. It is so because, among other reasons, the respect that comes from fear is bound to thwart at the very moment the power dynamics change.That kind of respect is unstable at best and detrimental to the society as well as to an individual psyche. However, the key to respect is not ignoring the power dynamics. DOES INDIFFERENCE TO POWER RELATIONS NECESSARILY IMPLY MORE RESPECTAnother sure way of NOT getting respected enough or respected the way you hope t o be respected is completely ignoring the existence of the power relations between people.While you shouldnt strive towards becoming an insensitive power freak like some American Psycho, you shouldnt make yourself completely unaware of that psychopathic potential that hides beneath the lust for power in most of us either.If youre totally disregarding the game of thrones thats going on out there so to speak, youll get left out and run over.Although Buddhism and Christianity propose disregarding such nonsense as the lust for power and respect, its hard to defy the mainstream of our culture which is less spiritual than some of us would have had it.Spirituality and religions may have nailed it.Perhaps the best way of earning respect is being indifferent to it, but how many people can really be indifferent to it?Even those who pretend they are indifferent are usually just suppressing their urges or just playing innocent which causes suspicion from the start and suspicion and respect dont quite go hand in hand.Can a normal human being really be indifferent to power lust that spreads around like a virus? How many of us can really be devoted to something so internally that we get the strength to disregard our own inner urge to belong to a group?Most of us need that feeling of belonging and it is only affirmed by reactions of others and by others noticing that we exist.For that reason, for most of us, its easier to become indifferent to the power game and the hierarchy when were on top. Being indifferent really is a win-win situation.You dont care about respect even if you dont get it and that causes people to respect you.Its just easier to be indifferent once you already have it, right? Just be careful not to become dependent on it. You have to control it, not vice versa.Having control over things is generally the result and the indicator of power and, as said, power can bear birth to respect.As for introspection and analysis, to have control over other(s), you first have to gain control over yourself and to do that, you need to get to know yourself better.Now that weve established what kind of respect is the best kind and what doesnt work, lets talk about some ways of getting it.After that, its just practice… so lets see what works. WORKING HARD AND INCREASING THE PRODUCTIVITY OF THE COLLECTIVEWhile it has been said that merely working hard may not be enough, it is still the best option there is.Work almost always delivers results and if you know what youre doing and how to achieve what you want, work is the only thing that gets it done.If you increase the productivity of your company, youre bound to get rewarded sooner or later, which will, in turn, motivate others to contribute as well.Other than that, the one who excels in work before all others do is a real leader.It is important to know the difference between the leader and the boss.Its the same difference as the one between an entrepreneur and a businessman.A leader is the first one to get it done and set an example to the rest of the group.As entrepreneurs, leaders strive towards developing the skills of their coworkers and subordinates just like they strive to make a positive impact on the environment instead of just making revenue.Having that in mind, always try to work hard instead of hardly working.Work always delivers results and just as there is no free lunch in the modern economy (more or less), theres no unpaid work either (more or less).Dont hesitate to sometimes even work overtime because it shouldnt be just about money or counting seconds and waiting for the day to end…Work should be about devotion to the cause and enjoying the whole process of contributing and producing whatever your work delivers.Of course, not everyone is satisfied with their jobs, but its not just doing what you love, but learning how to love what you do that counts.If everyone did what they loved, half of the world would be unemployed and would get money for just laying around, right?If youre a hyper performer or a hyper achiever, you’re bound to earn the respect of your coworkers, not just because they will admire your skills and devotion, but because youll inspire them to raise the achievement bar as well.Inspiring and motivating colleagues by setting an example and by being the first to show how its done is what leadership should really be about.It shouldnt be about sitting on a top floor and being bossy. Its impossible to be a leader without respect and vice versa.If you have the respect of your coworkers, you are, in essence, a leader, no matter what your position in the corporate hierarchy really is.Respect is not something that functions in the office and gets switched off when you go home.Your colleagues carry that respect home and it is a true potential for promotion and climbing that corporate ladder for theres no leader without respect and theres no respect without governing, first yourself, and then, by an example, others.Besides everything t hats been said, when you have a certain result, you have something to base your confidence on.That way you get positive feedback from your surroundings which in turn has a positive impact on your confidence.Once you start the success inertia, things just start rolling by themselves. Its a catch 22, but in a good way.Once you have a result behind you, you can also base your identity on it. You become a valuable, perhaps even an irreplaceable, member of the collective.You become the guy/girl who excels in ______ (whatever you excel in).That way your skills and expertise become your brand and your currency.You no longer tremble in insecurity when youre about to present yourself to someone new. You no longer shy away in shadows fearing other peoples judgment on who you are.Judgment becomes obsolete. You already know who you are and what are you good at.That way you can always say that youre ______ whos good in _____ and that becomes your trademark which is more than most people have.Now youre the one who passes judgment or critique and wait for others to put their cards on the table and show who they are, what theyve got and what theyre worth.It gets much easier when you have something to put on the table and bargain with, but for that, you have to work.The more you work, the more you have, but, as said, its important what and how youre doing whatever youre doing.GENERATE A POWER IMAGEIf you’re introverted and shy or too extroverted and difficult to bear, it might be a good idea to revise on your body language and the way you shape and present your visual identity.Its time to style up, but styling is not just about what you wear or how you style your hair.Etymologically, style refers to a manner, or a way of doing things… So, in essence, your style is the way you behave in the office as well as outside of it.Since at this particular moment were talking about the office, its important to note that every context has its own rules of behavior and breaking those r ules can be dangerous if you aim for respect.If youre bent on breaking the rules, you better know the rules so good that you can bend them at your will. You better be irreplaceable if your choice instead of conforming is to make the rules.If youre irreplaceable then you probably already have tons of respect so you wouldnt be reading this in the first place.So you have to conform to the rules of the office to a certain extent.Dont worry, were not talking about losing your identity and becoming labeled and same as everyone else.Were talking about basics like avoiding being late and respecting peoples time.As for other ways of generating a power image, you should consult some handbooks on body language and gain access to that camera in your office to analyze your body language.Then practice home in front of the mirror and see the changes yourself.Theres no consensus on how body language works.Just as you can say something in different words verbally, you can improvise with body languag e too so well skip the advice section this time.Just be mindful of the message youre conveying which brings us back to viewing yourself as a body of content.Sometimes, you have to work hard to produce and shape a certain content youd like to present.For the sake of comparison, lets say that its not enough to just walk around like you have a six-pack.If thats what youre aiming for, it might be best to work out to get that six-pack or at least close because sometimes faking doesnt make it.It’s like that when it comes to a more… sophisticated content like the one you have in your head.Its not enough to just seem educated or have a certificate. Show how you can practically employ the skills and knowledge you attained.When it comes to generating a power image, keep in mind that it shouldnt be just a performance.You should instead aim to really become what youd like the others to perceive and respect. If you view it all as a performance, you might make the mistake that actors often ma ke and obsess with your role.Many people mistake a role for who they really are.Its called narcissism and people usually tend to get away from narcissists, so its not the best idea in the world to be fake and obsessed with your image.At the end of the day, its best to keep calm, invest in developing yourself, steadily striving to become the best version of yourself and chill without giving too much thought about what others think of you.RESPECT OTHERS AND OTHERS WILL RESPECT YOUSpeaking of not caring what other people think of you, its fair to mention that you should avoid taking that attitude to the extreme.You should always be mindful of other peoples thoughts, especially when it comes to their critique of your potential flaws.To be respectable, you should always strive towards perfecting yourself and in order to perfect yourself, you first need to know what your imperfections are.Having said that, note that you should always be open to criticism and critique.What you shouldnt do, however, is let criticism damage your confidence.You should pay attention to people, be mindful of their actions, thoughts and reactions and let them indirectly or directly point out your flaws.You should take what they say or do into consideration and give it thought instead of mechanically accepting or disregarding other peoples opinions.If you sometimes face negative reactions to your behavior, dont be hasty to counter them with a negative reaction of your own.Take a deep breath, pause and think about reasons for all that negativity. Where does it come from?Why is it directed to you?Sometimes people dont even react to you. Instead, you can suffer collateral damage caused by the discharge of other peoples discontent with their own lives.Instead of adding oil to the fire, you can even help them by not giving them a chance to quarrel.You can tolerate, understand them and sympathize with them.In essence, people respect power and what is power? Its the ability to control. In relation to that, taking control over yourself and consequently taking control of your life is what will get you the respect you yearn for, but how do you take control over yourself?The only thing you can do is be wary of your internal and external actions and reactions.Be wary of other peoples behavior as well. Be aware of your surroundings and simply be conscious and aware of everything as much as you can.It’s not to say that your focus should disperse of course. On the contrary.You should know how to direct your attention in the given moment and what to direct it to.The other expression for focusing is paying attention. Its by no coincidence that attention here is metaphorically evaluated as currency.It is THE currency.The only natural currencies that we have and control are time, energy (in its many different forms) and attention.Be mindful of how you spend your energy and what are you buying for your time and attention.To buy something, you need to spend something and to spend your a ttention means that you have to narrow it down to as fewer objects at a time as possible.Probably all of us are fighting with our neurosis and infantile need for attention.Its only natural that people start respecting you when you pay attention to them, having in mind how hard it actually is to focus these days. Focusing becomes a rarity and all rarities are treasured.In relation to that, to earn the respect of your colleagues, you first have to communicate with them and get to know them. It goes without saying that communication goes both ways. In other words, you should listen at least as much as you do the talking.If theyre stating their opinion about you, no matter if its good or bad, take it into account, but dont let it cloud your judgment and self-reflection.In the end, you take everything into account, but the final result and decision are your doing and its up to you to do the final evaluation.If your colleagues are talking about themselves, however, try to be helpful and o ffer some advice. Caution is advised here. Keep in mind that people are vain. Do not challenge their ego.Theres a way to state your opinion without hurting others and causing emotional mayhem. If you notice that your colleague is too worked about something that he/she is telling you, you dont even have to respond. Just listen and try to understand and be there for your colleague.Bottom line is that you should strive to pilot (instead of autopilot) your behavior and your presence all the time. Avoid mechanical reactions, avoid inertia. Practice critical awareness and moderation in everything even in moderation.In other words, its ok to sometimes slip and exaggerate just to avoid being dull, but its best to be mindful of your actions, their causes and effects. If you make a mistake, admit it and make an effort to rectify it. After all, if you dont respect others, how can you expect from others to respect you? Source: pinterest.comCONCLUSIONThere are many ways one can earn respect from others.Some are universal and others may work on an individual level only.What all of us should ask ourselves is do we really deserve respect and do we give enough of it?Before we start obsessing on whether we get enough of it or not, we should evaluate our worthiness of others respect.As an old Latin saying says do ut des. It can loosely be translated as Give in order to take. All of us would like to be a force to be reckoned with, to pick up all the laurels and take it all, but its not enough to just make others take us into account because we pose a potential threat.The real respect we all need is the one that people give, not by the inertia of a frightened animal, but because they want to give it. Not because theyre afraid, but because they admire us.If youre aiming for the respect that comes from fear, you shouldnt even google for ways to earn it.Its easy to make people fear you. Everything thats easy f or everyone to do usually loses its value. The trick is to do something most people find difficult to do.The trick is not to aim for instant gratification, but to earn what you aim for.The best way to do it is to develop yourself as a person and not just as an employee.However, you have to start from something and work etiquette and office are as good to start from as anything else.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Development and Change of the Monster in Mary...
The Development and Change of the Monster in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein The structure of Frankenstein begins as an epistolary, narrative story by Robert Walton to his sister (Mrs Saville) in England. Walton’s letters tell us that he is exploring, searching for what lies beyond the North Pole and that he longs for fame and glory. Walton and Frankenstein connect in this novel as they both seek and have a thirst for knowledge. For Walton it is his exploration, for Frankenstein it is to discover the secret of life. Walton’s letters announce the discovery and rescue of a stranger – Victor Frankenstein. This is another connection between these two characters because when Victor is found he tells†¦show more content†¦This is an early sign of the first confusion and helplessness he feels. From birth he works from natural instincts and so he is more animal than human, this is until he discovers emotion. First emotions the monster endures are fear, (‘I felt half-frightened) pain (‘pain invade on all sides, I sat down and wept’) and pleasure (‘A gentle light stole over the heavens and gave me a sensation of pleasure’) A few days after the monster’s birth he discovers exactly how his senses work and after this he expresses his feelings (he does this by groaning) for the need to learn a language. He longs to communicate with people and to be rid of loneliness. He fails to express his feelings because his own voice scares him. The monster’s rapid development continues when he becomes able to think and learn, by now he relies less on instinct and is now more human than animal. An example of the monster learning is when he becomes aware of time by using the moon’s cycle after he has spent fourteen days in the forest. Indications of his thinking ability is how he reasons through logic. (The fire provided comfort and heat but when he touched it he ‘let out a cry of pain’) This quote proves how experience has helped the monster avoid pain again and how he is able to sit and think about how toShow MoreRelatedFrankenstein : Outline : Frankenstein957 Words  | 4 Page sFrankenstein: Outline Introduction: We have all heard of the big scary monster of Frankenstein. It has been a story told through decades, each story a little different. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is the original story of Frankenstein’s monster. She wrote the story of Victor Frankenstein and his creation. Through decades of this story being told, society has stripped away Shelley’s original description of the monster and created an entirely new set of ideas. Victor Frankenstein’s creation has beenRead MoreVictor Frankenstein: Epic Hero Essay1093 Words  | 5 Pages the zombie era is truly coming to life, and it is easy to figure out where this idea originated. 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There is some controversy on how Mary Shelley defines human nature in the novel, there are many features of the way humans react in situations. Shelley uses a relationship between mora lity and science, she brings the two subjects together when writing Frankenstein, and she shows the amount of controversy with the advancement of science. There are said to be some limits to the scientific inquiry thatRead MoreFrankenstein, By Mary Shelley1580 Words  | 7 PagesFrankenstein by Mary Shelley is a sci-fi novel written during the Romantic Movement in Britain’s early nineteenth century. The movement was stimulated by the French Revolution, Industrial Revolution and in reaction against the emphasis on reason in eighteenth-century Enlightenment philosophy (The Romantic Movement, 2014). Mary Shelley’s husband, Percy Shelley was also a romantic poet during the movement. Shelley’s novel is evidently influenced by her relationship with her husband, which is illustratedRead MoreFrankenstein- Acquirement of Knowledge Essay1475 Words  | 6 Pagesthan his nature will allow.†To what extent does Shelley’s Frankenstein support Victor Franken stein’s view? Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein explores the concepts of knowledge and science and the dangers involved with the pursuit and investigation of these ideas. The novel conveys Shelley’s attitudes towards science by portraying it as having the capability to exceed the bounds of human restraint. Through the development of her protagonist Victor Frankenstein, the romantic and gothic aspects of her novelRead More Comparing the Novel and Film Adaptation of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein483 Words  | 2 PagesNovel and Film Adaptation of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein â€Å"Horror and science fiction tend to present radically opposite interpretations of what may look like comparable situations.†(Kawin, 1981.) Bruce Kawin helps the reader to understand how a story in the genre of science fiction could be adapted, or bastardized if you like, into a horror. This is similar to the film adaptation of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Both â€Å"Frankenstein†(1931) and â€Å"Bride of Frankenstein†(1935) portrayed characters
Friday, May 8, 2020
The Death Penalty Of Capital Punishment - 1333 Words
â€Å"At 8:30 p.m. the first jolt of 1900 volts of electricity passed through Mr. Evan’s body. It lasted thirty seconds. Sparks and flames erupted from the electrode tied to Mr. Evan’s left leg. His body slammed against the straps holding him in the electric chair and his fist clenched permanently. The electrode apparently burst from the strap holding it in place. A large puff of grayish smoke and sparks poured out from under the hood that covered Mr. Evan’s face. An overpowering stench of burnt flesh and clothing began pervading the witness room. Two doctors examined Mr. Evans and declared that he was not dead.†What you just heard was a horrifying account of just one, of the many terrible mishaps, that have occurred in the history of the†¦show more content†¦It is time to realize that an â€Å"eye for an eye†will, indeed, make the whole world blind. First and foremost, I would like to address the legal and economic troubles that the system of capital punishment bring to the forefront. More specifically, the legal proceedings, and what seems to be a never ending process of appeals and reviews, has shown that even after years of â€Å"experimentation,†this system can’t be patched up; capital punishment has manifested as a costly and ineffective form of punishment. According to the Assessment of Costs by Judge Arthur Alarcon and Professor Paula Mitchell, California has spent $4 billion on capital punishment in 33 years, with half ($1.94 billion) of this going into litigation costs which are mostly borne by the taxpayer. Even more surprising, the authors calculated that if those currently on death row were instead, commuted to sentences of life without parole, it would result in savings of $170 million a year, or $5 billion in just the next 20 years. With cases resulting in death sentences averaging almost $4 million more than those without, an obvious is tradeoff is made with taxpayer funds. Our parent’s and one day our own hard earned money could be put into the executions of 1or 2 criminals or with the savings made by abolishing the death penalty, additional police could be hired to patrol the streets or the root of crime can be attacked by greater
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Various Sources of American Law Free Essays
Various Primary Sources of American Laws Gary Craddock Everest University Online Abstract There are various sources of American Law Primary sources of law are sources that establish the law and are in enforced by the controlling authority (the government’s) of a society. They consist of case law and common law doctrines, the U. S. We will write a custom essay sample on Various Sources of American Law or any similar topic only for you Order Now constitution and the constitution of various states, statutory law including laws passed by Congress State legislature and local governing bodies, regulations created by the administrative agencies. Another type of law that is an important source of law or treaties with other nations are also considered a primary source of law. The differences between mandatory authority types of law and persuasive authority types of law will be the topics. Various Primary Sources of American Laws The body of law called case law, arose from English common law tradition, because of our colonial heritage much of American law is based on making English legal system. (Miller Urisko, 2011,2008,2003,2000,1995)English common law was a body of general rules that apply throughout the English realm.. Courts developed the common-law rules from the principles underlying judge’s decisions in actual legal controversies. When possible they base their decision on principles suggested by earlier cases. Each interpretation became part of the law on which the subject and served as a legal precedent. Later case that involves similar legal principles or facts can be decided with reference to that precedent. Case law is one of the various primary sources of American law. Constitutional law The Federal government and the states have set for written constitution sets forth the general organization, powers, and limits of their respective governments. Laws are expressed in these constitutions are referred to as constitutional law. They cover such things as constitutional rights, Ten amendments commonly known as the Bill of Rights provide protection for individuals. Article VI of the United States Constitution states that the constitution law, and treaties of the United States are the supreme law of the land. The 10th amendment to the U. S. constitution which defines the power and limitations of the Federal government, for search all the power not granted to the Federal government to the states. Miller Urisko, 2011,2008,2003,2000,1995) This is why constitutional law is one of the various primary sources of American law. Statutory law Another source of law which are Laws enacted by the legislative bodies at any level of government are known as Statutes. Laws created by the legislature are generally referred to as Statutory Law. The constitution provides states’ rights including the right to control commerce within state bord ers and exercise powers to protect public health, safety, Morales, and general welfare. Statutory law also includes local ordinances, an order, rule, or law passed by city or town as governments to govern matters not covered by the Federal or state law is known that as an ordinance. and fifth sentences should provide support for the paragraph’s topic. (Miller Urisko, 2011,2008,2003,2000,1995) In conclusion, that a state statute is found to conflict with a Federal statute to state law is invalid and this is why statutory law is one of the various primary sources of American law. Administrative law Another source of American law is administrative law, consisting of rules, order, and decisions of administrative agencies. The Federal, state, or local governments agencies established to go down a specific function is known as an administrative agency. Administrative agencies perform three basic functions rulemaking investigation and, enforcement, adjudication. The administrative procedure act of 1946 imposes strict procedural requirements that agencies must follow in their rulemaking and other functions this is one of the major functions of its administrative agency. Administrative agencies have both investigatory and prosecutorial powers. Administrative agencies adjudication involves a trial like hearing before an administrative law judge. Miller Urisko, 2011,2008,2003,2000,1995) These four types of law, common-law, constitutional law, statutory law, and administrative law are the various primary sources of American law. Mandatory Authority, versus Persuasive Authority Mandatory authority is any source of law that a court must follow when deciding a case, which is also known as a binding authority wh ich includes constitutions, statutes ,and regulations that govern the issue’s being decided, as well as the court’s decision that are controlling precedents within the jurisdiction. When no binding authority exists court will often review persuasive precedents which are precedents that have been decided in similar cases in other jurisdictions. Persuasive precedents are entitled to respect and careful consideration but the court may either follow or reject them. This is how Laws are decided to be a persuasive authority or Mandatory Authority; these are various primary sources of American law. References Miller, R. L. , Urisko, M. M. (2011,2008,2003,2000,1995). Paralegal Today THE ESSENTIALS (Vol. 5). Clifton Park NY: Delmar,Cengage Learning. Retrieved November 14, 2012 How to cite Various Sources of American Law, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Project Proposal free essay sample
By determining and analyzing our customer base we can develop Spottily aggregates music from right holders, distributes It to consumers through stoop and mobile software platforms and monotones both through a free ad- funded service and a paid subscription service. This two tier system targets different consumers and overall provides a service which caters to a broad range. The purpose of this proposal is to outline a strategy for targeting the identified segment group of 18 24 year olds through service design and strategic promotion. Introduction Music Is rapidly evolving In the way people listen to, share and experience It. The area of digital music has greatly changed the way In which music is sourced and distributed. As music Is Increasingly becoming tattletales, It Is difficult for the original distributors to keep up with this ever changing landscape and stay current, relevant and ultimately economically viable. In a rapidly changing marketplace determining target market segments and creating a competitive differentiation is essential. We will write a custom essay sample on Project Proposal or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Background Digital music distribution services grew out of the unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing phenomenon of the late sass. This caused a great shift in the way music was shared and listened to from piracy and tunes downloading to on-demand streaming from Youth and others. While physical music product markets are declining rapidly, online digital music markets have been rapidly growing, however the majority of these channels of music consumption generate little to no money for the artists. Digital music can be divided into two supermarkets download and streaming.Digital revenue, however the growth rate of the streaming market is higher than the growth rate of the digital music download markets . This means it is a rapidly growing market Ninth more people are using this format to access music. Spottily is a digital music streaming service that allows customers to listen legally to USIA without individually purchasing or downloading each song. Launched in Sweden in October 2008 Spottily currently has over 24 million users, over 6 million of Noon are paying subscribers. Specifys model aims to engage listeners to once again realism this lost value.By converting them from other poorly monitored platforms to spottily two tier system?.. Reduce rate of piracy and allow artists to generate far greater royalties whilst giving listeners more value per listen and far greater convenience. Service is split into three different product strategies . Changing from music as a product to music as a service. Nat is their mission statement and aim http://press. spottily. Com/AU/2013/04/16/spottily-launches-in-8-new- markets-today/ Brand Diagnosis Market Segments No is listening target market rough development and expansion Spottily used geographic segmentation.This Nas done as each country had different barriers in terms of licensing and overall acceptance of this new medium. It is now available in 28 markets with the most recent being in Latin America with Mexico, and Asia with Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore. The largest markets are in Sweden and the US, however there is major opportunities in booming developing markets in Asia (China/Japan), India and Africa ;specially with growing markets in smart phones and applications. He target audience for Spottily is as broad and far reaching as there are different genres and music tastes. The tables below show the distribution of current Spottily users. Segmenting the consumer market as it is can direct who is listening ere largest market for digital music streaming is tech as. N. Y young people under the age of 35. However, as has been shown through the large influx of 55+ aged Backbone bickerers, older generations are becoming more linked and active in the digital Nor.Being able to identify these distinct segments will lead to better adoptions of the Spottily service model to suit cater to their needs. It is very important to understand the segmentation of the digital market because new targeting will be needed to continue growth further into mainstream audiences. These broad segments can be segmented into four categories; Alliance listeners, Core Enthusiasts, Active Fans, and Indies Followers. Target Segments 18- 24 year olds Actively involvement Students and in part time/full-time workCan have mainstream or niche music taste Outgoing Like DID discovery Adventurous Interactive software Tech-sway Early tech adopters Sociable Looking to be at the forefront of technology music and social median found people: what do the have in common who are they? Come up with three clear words which epitomes the target segment and what their needs are towards the product. Market share and competition Market share current market leader in Australia 2012 BPI figures show music streaming was worth 13. MM Positioning and Consistency SOOT analysis/ Positioning StatementMarketing objectives pricing s tatement easiness/marketing strategies Specifying an Opportunity So how did Spottily, launched by a Swedish startup in an industry rife with more recognizable and existing services, rise to the forefront of the digital music world? By combining an ingenious branding campaign that focused on exclusivity as a means of drawing interest, as well as designing a business model that could appease both digital music lovers and the recording industry that is attempting to win them back, Spottily immediately has risen to the top of the crop of digital music providers.There are challenges that Spottily faces as it attempts to break into a competitive market. Aside from established competitors, including Pandora as well as long-term industry stalwarts like Apples tunes Store and new rivals like Amazon and Google, Spottily also faces the same oppositional recording industry that has repeatedly attacked rival digital music services with litigation and bad press. However, by designing a business model that ensures revenue streams for music publishers, as Nell as the same open-source options for program users that drew them in flocks to earlier (illegal) offerings like Anapest and Limier, Spottily has managed to bridge the gap and provide a service that remains both a legal and attractive option for millions around the globe to access their favorite artists and songs. He S. W. O. T. Analysts Strengths Free legal music Personalized/Targeted playbills Pricing Schemes Service Features Forming Partnerships Entrepreneurial development program Limited offline use for non-premium users Advertising can be a deterrent Allowing free use discourages users from paying for premium dad press from some artists and the music industry Current lack of profitabilityOpportunities Threats Potential partnerships Increasing credibility within the music industry Shares values with music industry against piracy Increased accessibility Expansion in global markets teats by Dry Drew recently acquired by Apple Piracy methods such as Pirate Bay and Greenshank Pandora Individuals within the music industry and certain artists Shawn Parker (creator of Anapest) being on the award of Directors may tarnish brand image ere two tier model built on a paid and advertising funded structure allows Spottily to guarantee revenue for music publishers and providers, while still allowing users to lid and craft music libraries that access their favorite artists and preferred musical genres Unparalleled mobile and desktop app design provides perhaps the most user-friendly digital music service on the market A brain and investment trust consisting of proven start-up veterans like Sean Parker ensures faith in the management behind the service Ninth hundreds of millions of music fans around the world, market cap potential remains extraordinarily high for the service Insaneness catalogs on Spottily service Nile Spottily does ensure revenue for publishers and artists, the returns are not usually close to those produced through the traditional brick-and-mortar store and physical album sales Spottily insistence on premium subscriptions for full mobile services and access to files limits its appeal to consumers used to accessing free music (and who can still access free music through torrent downloads) With the continued evolution of mobile technology, live concert video streams and performance broadcasts remain an area of potential expansion Spottily ability to appease music creators and producers allows them an advantage on illegal services potentially threatened with shutdown reheatsEstablished competitors like the tunes Store, as well as new forays by Amazon and Google, ensure long-term challenges for user preference Revenue and profits remain low, as the service attempts to both appease consumers acclimated to free music while also remaining viable as a profitable business model Revenue questions still leave open the threat for litigation from spur ned artists or aspects of the recording industry ere Future of Digital Music As the digital music industry continues to adapt and evolve to increasingly attract consumers who previously relied on illegal or unreliable options for their digital USIA needs, services like Spottily continue to face pressure to find a business model that both appeases consumers, as well as returns a profit for investors.While Spottily has, over the past few years, proven to be both an innovative and adaptive brand in regards to both the service itself, as well as the companys branding, the question of ho will be the name that introduces the new era of digital music sharing remains open. While Spottily model remains perhaps the most effective option of appeasing all of the different actors in the digital music realm, the future remains an uncertain tat. However, in the present, we as entrepreneurs can glean a number of clear takeaways from Spottily rise to the top of the pack. From their initial release campaign, which asked users to provide emails to the company in order to be invited to enjoy the service, Spottily has latched onto the philosophy of exclusivity that helped inspire the meteoric rise of other digital-based services like Backbone and Google Plus.This notion of making a service seem cool or exclusive through marketing tricks like this is something we can take back to our own ventures. While he service eventually expanded to being available to anyone (as was expected from the outset), building this type of hype behind a new venture can help ensure greater media coverage and market saturation from the initiation of the business. Which of AS wouldnt want that for our business? Objectives Description Promotional Devices Frequency Part 3: Body of the presentation Define the need in the market Describe market size, growth, trends and maturity Provide industry and market segment information market challenges Nat market segment(s) are served by the company? Nat is the companys potential in the market?Describe the direct (competing product/service) for the business Describe the specific strengths, weaknesses and opportunities related to the competition what is the business competitive advantage? NH will customers buy the product/service over the competition? How does your product/service differentiate itself from the competition? How will you sell your product or service (distributors, internet)? How will the company generate revenue for its product or service? How will you access customers? (advertising/promotions) Nat customer support will be needed? Part 4: Conclusion give a brief summary of your key points. Objective Obtain a credib le standpoint industry, artists, consumers iris is vital to the business viability. Without artist and industry support spottily faces an ongoing uphill battle.Spottily Create features which enable further penetration of the service into everyday life Target consumers Convert from free to premium Spottily Partnerships Spottily has partnered with a number of well-known brands in different industries, linking their names and creating mutually beneficial networks which tie in with the key objectives. Backbone Spottily has partnered with the worlds largest social media platform Backbone in an effort to facilitate users accessing, discovering and sharing music. The seamless Backbone integration was a giant step in bring music back to a truly social, shared experience. Made the service a truly social site where people can view playbills and favorites of their friends, make recommendations and share newly discovered artists and songs. This fits directly within the model of creating a social targets the market segment.
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